Commercial Kitchen Equipment Suppliers

Commercial kitchens Designers of commercial kitchens play a critical role in setting up restaurants and food service establishments that comply with industry standards and quality requirements. Before setting up a restaurant business, you must consult a commercial kitchen designer to create a blueprint of the kitchen layout and the necessary equipment that ensure a smooth workflow.

Each restaurant’s design is unique, and the designer must understand the kind of business to create the most efficient design that enhances productivity and ensures a better customer experience. For example, the kitchens of bistros and fast food restaurants are entirely different, and only commercial kitchen designers can understand the specific layout and kitchen equipment suitable for these establishments.

Experience matters most

Designing commercial kitchens requires a thorough understanding of the establishment and its ways of working. Designers should not only have sound knowledge about commercial kitchen equipment but should be experienced, especially in setting up customized commercial kitchen units across the food and beverage industry. Familiarity in setting up commercial kitchens across different types of food-related establishments like restaurants for fine dining, commercial canteens, bistros, and fast food outlets allow designers to use their expertise to create a design that boosts operational efficiencies.

Blending aesthetics and functionality

The best commercial kitchen designers are trained professionals who understand the importance of making kitchens aesthetically pleasing besides maintaining high standards of hygiene and safety.

The quality and design of kitchen equipment directly impact the quality of the product, which has a huge bearing on customer experience.

All kitchen equipment materials must be of the best quality and corrosion-resistant. All equipment must be easy to use and clean, which helps to maintain good hygiene. Ease of use enhances operational efficiencies, and ease of cleaning ensures a tidy and clean kitchen. Therefore, blending aesthetics and functionality is important when choosing kitchen equipment. Only commercial kitchen designers can create the most functional and hygienic kitchens.

Simplicity in design

To blend aesthetics and functionality, it is essential to create a simple kitchen design that helps to maintain a clutter-free space. Kitchens are prone to cluttering, which leads to poor sanitation and confusion, which can negatively impact food service operations. Choosing the appropriate equipment and only the necessary accessories can help save space, ease movement inside the kitchen, and save money too. For example, positioning the serving station close to the kitchen reduces the number of trips to the dining room.

Flexibility and modularity

Commercial kitchens are highly dynamic places, and the layout must-have elements allow quick changes to the layout when needed. Including some new menu might necessitate adding new equipment. If a new Chef joins the organization, he might insist on some changes to the kitchen layout to match his operational methods. Portable and multi-use equipment can help to maintain flexibility for incorporating changes to the kitchen layout without additional investment.

Commercial kitchen designers can utilize the available space to the maximum and make a small kitchen look big and spacious with smart equipment placement. The choice of equipment helps maintain proper sanitation and facilitates easy movement across the kitchen.